December 2024

December Activities
We have adopted 3 families for Christmas this year from the New River Area. The tags will be available to pick up in the office starting December 1st. We ask that all tags/items be returned no later than December 17th. The items should not be wrapped when returned so the parents can see what the kids are being given. If shopping is not your thing and you can drop off a monetary donation to the office and we will use it to pick up remaining items and food. We ask that if you are wanting to donate food items that it be 3 of each item so that each family gets one. If you have any questions please come to the office and we will be happy to answer or assist in any way possible.
The Annual Ranch Gift Exchange will be Saturday December 14th at 7pm in the clubhouse. You can start bringing gifts, an unwrapped items valued between $15 and $25 to the conference room starting at 6:30pm. All gifts need to be gender neutral and ranch appropriate. Bring something you would not mind taking home yourself. All gifts are placed into brown paper bags and you may get what you brought. Past popular gifts include chocolate, blankets, small appliances, alcohol, lottery tickets. This is NOT a White Elephant; DO NOT bring trash or something that you have laying around your trailer.
Christmas potluck will be at 1pm on Wednesday December 25th in the clubhouse. The sign up sheet will be posted in the clubhouse on the bulletin board by Thursday December 12th . When planning your dish please calculate it feeding 8-10 people per person in your party, so a party of 2 should be bringing a dish to feed approximately 20 people. Please also bring all serving utensils for your dish as well as anything you need such as plates, drinks, and utensils.
The Office has started its Winter hours, Monday - Friday 10am-5pm Saturday & Sunday 9am-5pm.

This may be a classic case of singing to the chior. Trash Talk is produced to help bring awareness, in a humorours yet poignant way, of those little things which have an impact around ShangriLa Ranch. As a small community we need to work together and not assume others will carry the load - because we all know what happens when we ass*u*me!
The flaw in this ideal is: the people who need a gentle reminder are not the ones who read this column. We've talked about what are and what are not recyleables, yet trash like dirty food containers, styrofoam, and plastic bags - not to mention "personal items" -need to be pulled from the bins on a daily basis.
We already know those black trash barrels dotted around the Ranch are for the little stuff needing to be tossed away. If the lid you must lift take it to be squished! Removing the domed cover and dropping a heavy bag of rubbish causes the can liner to fall inside with it; and then more trash piles on top making a disgusting mess - yet this still happens often. Residents and long-term guests are aware that household garbage is to be taken directly to the compactor.
We have chatted about food being brought into the pool area, against county ordinances, yet the evidence is clear; and, let's not forget the assortment of water bottles and flotation devices left behind at the end of the day. Our pools and spa are hubs of activity throughout the year. The volleyball pool is open from 9:00am - 5:00pm during the cold months and kept at a comfortable 84f (29c) with a new cover to help hold the heat overnight; yet a visitor recently uncovered the pooland cranked the heater to 97f (36c) as if it was his personal tea kettle. Patty wanted to steep him! So please, leave the adjusting to of ranch equiptment to the maintenance crew.
Most everyone is cooperating with our green waste guidelines and it is appreciated. Two points to reiterate are: if there is going to be a voluminous amount of cuttings, ask the office or staff to have a trailer brought to your site: and keep succulents like cacti or agave seperate from branches and limbs. They cannot go through the chipper but they will go through our fingertips!
This editorial could continue at nauseam but the point is made. The vision for Trash Talk is not to be an exercise in futility but to be a helpful aide-memoire that - whether a full time rancher, a seasonal vistor, a club member, or an occasional guest of ShangriLa Ranch - each of us has a stake in keeping this place the lilttle paradise that it is. Thank You for your continued support: now it's time to step down from the soapbox, flatten it and place it in the appropriate receptacle. To all, a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and blessings for the Nude Year.

Internet Safety
Tis the season for scammers to make a quick buck, or an easy identity steal.
Some things to keep in mind moving forward.
If it sounds to good to be true it usually is, like a secondary website for a really awesome deal. You can alsways check the main website or look for a discount code. Utalize your credit cards policies regarding online purchases.
Do not click on or open links that you did not ask for.
Banks, Credit Card Companies, Medicare, or other things dealing with private or personal information will not just randomly ask you to verify information, if you are unsure always look up the number to call never use the number you are being given in the text or email asking to verify.

Reading Corner
Bare Bumps and Sets at Shangri La Ranch
Nestled amidst the emerald aplenty of the sprawling western valleys, Shangri La Ranch promised the purity of Eden and the freedom of ancient Olympia. A place where the spirit could soar unencumbered, it was natural that it would host a weekend devoted to the revels of sun-kissed skin and the joyous dance of volleyball. This is the tale of such a weekend, where bodies met balls, hearts met laughter, and nature bore witness to jubilant communion.
The beating heart of this pastoral paradise was its volleyball pool court, an arena where friendly competition was set against the backdrop of rustling leaves and undulating hills. As Saturday dawned, Shangri La hummed with excited whispers and the rustle of leaves as participants from distant corners converged.
Amongst the enthusiasts, there was Jane and Elliot, a couple who found love over a casual game of water volleyball years ago. Their passion for the game was eclipsed only by their love for each other and the natural lifestyle they embraced – bare-skinned and open-hearted.
As the sun peeked out, the games commenced. Teams were formed, lines drawn, and bare feet paddled into the court's pool. The first volley sent the ball arching over the net, a glowing orb against the cerulean sky. Laughter rang out, punctuated by the occasional cheer and the constant pat-pat of ball against hands.
Young and old, the players' bodies painted contrasting hues onto the canvas of the court. In celebrating naturism, they celebrated the diversity of humanity, unashamed and unbound by societal norms. The more they played, the less they cared for anything but the moment – the stretch of a limb, the arc of the ball, and the warmth of shared smiles.
Throughout the day, games were played with the gaiety of children, each match more exhilarating than the last. Elliot, with his jumping serves, became an applauded must-see, and Jane, swift as the wind, guarded their territory with a zeal that inspired her peers. But scores mattered little; what mattered was the camaraderie blooming under the beatific sun.
As day turned to dusk, muscles tired, and hearts content, the gatherings shifted. Campfires crackled, and grills sizzled as stories were shared and friendships were forged. There was a gentleness to the nighttime at Shangri La, a sense that the world outside the gates was a far-off land with cares that need not enter.
Come Sunday, the tint of golden dawn bade sore, happy players for one last dance on the court. It was a gentle affair, more relaxed yet no less joyful. After the final point was scored, and the volleyball was set aside, the players joined hands in a circle that encompassed the court, a symbol of unity and shared experience.
As they dispersed, each taking with them the memories of sun, sport, and freedom, they knew they had been part of something special. For in embracing the very essence of naturism at Shangri La Ranch, they didn't just play volleyball; they celebrated life in its most elemental and beautiful form. And when the next weekend of volleyball would come around, they knew that the pool of Shangri La would welcome them once more, under the wide, forgiving sky

Salvias are resilient perennial plants that often extend their blooming period into the cooler months. These flowers thrive in sunny locations and are celebrated not just for their blooms but also for their aromatic foliage. Various types of Salvia such as "Autumn Sage" see their flowers transition into rich shades of red, purple, and pink come fall. Salvias are known to attract hummingbirds and butterflies, contributing to bio diversity in the gardens at a time when many other flowers have faded. With proper deadheading, salvias can produce blooms that persist until hard frost, ensuring maximum garden impact.

Cheesy Kielbasa Rice and Broccoli Skillet
½ tablespoon olive oil
14 ounces Polska Kielbasa sliced on a diagonal
1 small onion diced
1 small bell pepper diced
2 cloves garlic minced
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
1 cup white rice long grain, uncooked
2 cups low sodium chicken stock or chicken broth
2 cups broccoli florets bite size pieces, raw
2 cups shredded cheese divided, I used a cheddar blend
Heat olive oil over medium high heat in a large, lidded skillet.
½ tablespoon olive oil
Brown kielbasa in the skillet, 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove with a slotted spoon.
14 ounces Polska Kielbasa
Saute onion and bell pepper until onion is translucent. Make sure to work the brown bits off the bottom of the skillet – more flavor 🙂
1 small onion,1 small bell pepper
Add garlic and cook for an additional minute. Season with salt and pepper.
2 cloves garlic,½ teaspoon salt,½ teaspoon pepper
Add rice to the skillet and stir to combine. Continue stirring for 1 to 2 more minutes.
1 cup white rice
Add the chicken broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and cook for 10 minutes.
2 cups low sodium chicken stock
Without disturbing the rice, add the broccoli to the top of the rice and cover again. Cook an additional 10 to 15 minutes or until rice is tender.
2 cups broccoli florets
Stir in kielbasa and 1 cup of cheese.
2 cups shredded cheese,14 ounces Polska Kielbasa
Top with remaining cup of cheese. Cover with lid and let sit for 2 to 3 minutes or until cheese is melted.
2 cups shredded cheese

Happy Holidays
From our family to yours we would like to Thank You for your continued support. We wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season, be safe and we hope to see you in the New Year.